Tuesday 29 January 2013

Time for more madness !!

Well its been a good 18 months since we completed LEJOG, and I was seeking a new challenge. Once again, a lunchtime glass of red seems to have influenced my decision to do this one! The bloke I sit next to at work said he'd entered for the Reading half marathon and was running in aid of the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre and did I want to join him? Given that I raised money for them doing LEJOG it seemed like a great excuse to try to loose all the weight I've regained round my middle and to get fit again. 
Unfortunately we only have 6 1/2 weeks to go and before Sunday I'd only ever run for a bus! I'm also esconsed in the middle of middle age, not quite U3A material yet, but certainly old enough to be the father of my nipper's teacher! [deep sigh]
So there you have it, I've bought some running shoes (essential methinks) and tried running last Sunday and this evening.  On Sunday I had to stop and walk every half mile to stop throwing up my lungs, and tonight I managed about a mile before the same feeling took over me.
I had to phone Claire to come and pick me up in the car!! My blood sugar was 1.9 when I got home and I was ready to greet my friends the fairies (I'm a type1 diabetic)  I realise now that I may have left it rather late. I'm not placing any bets on me doing the 13 miles in under 4hrs unless its in the back of an ambulance !
I'll keep you informed of any progress.  Watch this space...

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